NB: Save it as puzzle.java
package puzzle;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Random;
import javax.swing.JOptionPane;

public class puzzle {
In this modern, dynamic age we live in, almost everything has gone electronic; from a simple toasting machine that could make your breakfast to the belfie that could be used to take a picture of your butt.
Books have also gone electronic. So, you could find books electronic copies of tutorials and a complete course on a programming language. This is good but I cannot rely on them anymore. Not because you could sleep off while reading an Ebook. Some of these books were writing in the 90s when the programming language was either discovered or in its early stages. While some changes were being made on their compilers and the language itself ON THE WEB, these ebooks were being corrected and re-uploaded without the downloader’s knowledge.

Once, I got tired of searching for the latest ebook to keep up - I googled almost everything, visited sites like w3cschools, codecademy for updated, real time courses and downloaded video courses too.

I’m not saying you should not get these ebooks, there’s a lot of history in them but the codes in it could have been modified to look shorter i.e The “background color” could later become “bg color” and “message_box” could be “msg_box” any year within an update. So, I rely more on the web more to keep up with these updates.
So, don’t throw your ebooks away but don’t put all the codes you find in them into an argument; your opponent could be a web person and you won't win.
First Of all, we'd write down the scoring and grading system used by the school. The example below is used by Foodtech Building School (FBS).

Score Range (%)             
Score Range (%)             
75 – 100
40 – 44 
70 – 74 
35 – 39
65 – 69
30 – 34 
60 – 64 
25 – 29 
55 – 59
20 – 24 
50 – 54 
0 – 19
45 – 49 
No Entry


Then Program Code Below!...

REM Program to input score and compute grade
REM using SELECT CASE... END SELECT structure
INPUT "Please Enter Student's Score Here: ", Score
    CASE 75 TO 100
        Grade = "A1"
    CASE 70 TO 74
        Grade = "A2"
    CASE 65 TO 69
        Grade = "B1"
    CASE 60 TO 64
        Grade = "B2"
    CASE 55 TO 59
        Grade = "C1"
    CASE 50 TO 54
        Grade = "C2"
    CASE 45 TO 49
        Grade = "D1"
    CASE 40 TO 44
        Grade = "D2"
    CASE 35 TO 39
        Grade = "E1"
    CASE 30 TO 34
        Grade = "E2"
    CASE 25 TO 29
        Grade = "G1"
    CASE 20 TO 24
        Grade = "G2"
    CASE 0 TO 19
        Grade = "F: Student might have fallen sick (SS)"
        Grade = "Invalid Score: No Entry (NE)"
PRINT "The Student's Score Is: "; Score
PRINT "The Student's Grade Is: "; Grade

See the Output Image below:

If you have suggestions, contributions or corrections, kindly leave a comment! Thank you
Copy the codes below and paste into your compiler. I used eclipse. Your Class name should be same as your file name.

// Write a program that accepts 2 integer values and 1 double value from //the keyboard using the JOption class; then compute the sum of the values. import javax.swing.JOptionPane; public class ClassSample3 { public static void main(String[] args) { String num1, num2, num3; int a,b; double c, sum, average; num1 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter an Integer Value"); a = Integer.parseInt(num1); num2 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter Second Integer Value"); b = Integer.parseInt(num2); num3 = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null, "Enter a Double Value"); c = Double.parseDouble(num3); // Compute Sum and Average sum = a+b+c; average = (sum / 3); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "The sum is "+ sum +" \n The average is "+ average, "Answer", JOptionPane.PLAIN_MESSAGE); } }

If you encounter(ed) any error while compiling, Contact me here or leave a comment below. I'll get back to you.
Now, if you're a beginner; i'm going to explain this topic clearly to you. That's what you're here for right?

Pseudo code or Pseudocode or Pseudo-code is an English-like representation of a programming language intended for human reading rather than machine reading. It is not a programming language or an executable program; but it explains how a particular code should be written, omitting the actual codes that the machine would recognize on a normal day. Pseudocode is mostly found in textbooks related to computer science and other similar contents that talk about various tools or methods of representing Algorithms.